Formation: Drawing Course Home School Bocairent (1988-1989). Drawing Course Home School Bocairent (1989-1990). Drawing course at the House of Culture The Vila de Ontinyent (1990-1991). Painting Course in the House of Culture The Vila de Ontinyent (1991-1992). Painting Course at EPA San Carlos Ontinyent (1992-1993). Course of Drawing and Painting at the EPA San Carlos Ontinyent (2004-2005). EXHIBITION: Exhibition individual shims Villadiego Pea, Villadiego (Burgos) (2004). Annual group exhibitions (two per year) with the Art Association-92, Bocairent Aggressive Alfafara and Ontinyent (1992-2003). CafGalera collective exhibition, Banyeres de Mariola (Alicante) (2005). Individual exhibition in Hotel-Restaurant La Faana, Biar (Alicante) (2006). Individual Coffee Art Exhibition, Alcoy (Alicante) (2006). Collective Exhibition Galley Bar Experimental, Villena (Alicante) (2007). Individual exhibition in the Old Slaughterhouse, Beneixama (Alicante) (2007) PROJECTS: Individual Exhibition at the Palau de Cocentaina, Cocentaina (Alicante) (2008). Restaurant Cassana individual exhibition, Castalla (Alicante) (2008).